Ultimate RESET!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Leaving the Negative People Behind

I have found in my practice that the number one complaint or argument of why people can't stay on track is because they lack support from family and friends.

Often you will find that when you are moving forward, getting healthy, making wiser choices, and finding the positive YOU, people will try their hardest to hold you back. Whether it's resentment, jealousy or just plain negative Nelly's, you must resist their pull and stay strong.

How do I resist the pull of the negative people that are in my life?

You can start by confronting them head on. Tell them why you are doing what you are doing. Ask for support and for them to respect your decision to get healthy.
If that doesn't work, you may have to either cut ties or put distance between you and that person.

Remain strong, find the right support and put distance between you and the negativity in your life.

You will succeed!

Happy Monday morning!

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