Ultimate RESET!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Recently I have received a number of emails regarding Shakeology. I wanted to be able to answer a few of them on here.
When you order Shakeology on HD (home direct)you get free shipping every month. It is by far the ONLY protein shake that I recommend, and I believed in it and recommended it long before I was a Beachbody Coach. It's 140 calories a serving, and yes a serving is a meal. It's filling, nutrient DENSE and mixed with fruit &
milk an absolute perfect meal, especially for individuals on a clean diet or trying to lose excess unhealthy weight. For $119 a month you get OVER a 30 day supply. If you were able to use the whole bag in 30 days it would be a little less than $4 a serving, and personally I spend more than that at Starbucks for a latte, so it is worth it in my opinion. My kids love Shakeology, it's asked for everyday and I am more than happy to make one for them whenever they ask. It's like having 8 salads in one glass. My husband lost over 20 pounds in 2 months, and the only thing that changed in his life was the fact that I replaced his breakfast (which was healthy before) to Shakeology. It's an energy booster without caffeine. There are NO artificial sweeteners or refined sugars.

This product is for the healthy eater, the wanna be healthy eater, the person that is looking to lose weight... it's really a shake for everybody.

If you have been wanting to try, but have been on the fence, now is the time! There is a 30 day money back guarantee.

This stuff is by far the most amazing supplement that I have ever personally come across.

Go to myshakeology.com/nutritionmom to order your bag or to find out more.

Happy Monday!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I haven't heard about the supplement but it definitely looks effective. Thanks for sharing. It's important to stay healthy, that's why you should take lorna vanderhaeghe.