Ultimate RESET!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Change of plans- Monday Q & A

Usually we are doing Q & A on Wednesday, however the holidays have backed up my emails and I have slowly been trying to get to every one's email... I will do my best to address some of the questions on here.

Q: What is the minimum amount of calories a woman should consume in a day?

A: This is a great question, especially with some fad diets going around right now that recommend very little calories.
Most women should consume no less than 1200 calories a day. The reason being that even when losing weight, your body requires so much "fuel" in order to be able to function and get through the day. When your body doesn't get enough calories it goes into what I like to call starvation mode, and stores fat thinking it is actually starving. Your body works MUCH less hard for you when you don't feed it enough.

Q: How do you come up with new healthy recipes?

A: I have to learn to be creative with our recipes. I have 4 kids (3 of which ALWAYS eat dinner w/ us) If I have hit a wall and find myself doing too many 'repeats' then I will look in cookbooks, food magazines, and websites. I modify what is not a healthy recipe and make it healthy. MOST recipes can be modified to a healthier version of the original. I recently modified a new whole wheat pizza crust, for our homemade pizza night, it was AWESOME and just a simple recipe I found on allrecipes.com.

Have a question? Email me at positivenutritionmom@gmail.com

Happy Monday!

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