Ultimate RESET!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Office temptations

Many of us work outside of the home in an office environment. There can be many food temptations during any given work week.
People bring food in from home for everyone; cookies, cakes, pies, donuts, and candy. There are also birthday celebrations, retirement parties, farewells and meetings, all of which usually are celebrated with a high fat, and high sugar snack.

You can avoid the temptations at work! Keep your desk and office fridge stocked up with healthy goodies. Apples, bananas, plums, pears, oranges, cottage cheese, yogurt, sunflower seeds, raw almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, raisins, and plenty of water.

You can stay in better control of your health by being prepared!

Happy Thursday!


Welcome! said...

Hi, I just read your inspiring story. I'm at about your starting point and I'm 19. I don't want to live like this forever! How long did it take you to lose all that weight?

Positive Nutrition said...

Grown Bird,

It took me a total of a year to shed all of the weight. The first 20-25 pounds came off rather quickly, but the rest of it took a while to lose. I had to be very aware of the kinds of food I put in my body not just the fat content like I was originally told by my doctor. I had to learn the difference between good fat and bad fat.