Ultimate RESET!

Friday, April 9, 2010


How many of us actually have time set aside everyday for just ourselves? To be able to just unwind and relax?
It has been shown that having time to just unwind, relax and rest your mind and body, is very effective in managing stress.
Not many of us have an hour or even a half an hour to set aside to read a book, take a bath, or just kick our feet up.
I think that even if you can take 10-15 minutes out of your day to find a quiet place and just relax, that it would make a big difference in our stress levels.
I have 4 kids, a husband, a dog and a lot of drop in visitors at my house, so finding quiet time can sometimes be a challenge.
I have found places where I can squeeze "me time" into my daily routine. When and IF my toddler takes his nap during the day, then I can usually get my workout in and also have a few minutes left over to just sit down and enjoy a cup of tea or read an article in a magazine. Sometimes after I have put the two younger kids to bed, I can take a bath before bed. I know that doesn't sound like much, but a little bit can go a long way.

Try to find time in your day a few times a week, for just yourself. Take that time to do whatever it is that relaxes you.


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